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This section of the guide documents the creation of a clean and efficient basic project structure.

You can either follow it to create it yourself or skip it and use the result from tiny-stats-template.

Getting Started

The quickest way to set up a project is by using crystal init:

$ crystal init app my-gtk-app
    create  /my-gtk-app/.gitignore
    create  /my-gtk-app/.editorconfig
    create  /my-gtk-app/LICENSE
    create  /my-gtk-app/
    create  /my-gtk-app/shard.yml
    create  /my-gtk-app/src/
    create  /my-gtk-app/spec/
    create  /my-gtk-app/spec/
Initialized empty Git repository in /my-gtk-app/.git/

At the time of writing this, crystal init is a bit opinionated, so go ahead and review the following files:



  • shard.yml

Then install by following the Installation/Shard page.

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