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Saving The Application State

The aim of this lesson is to illustrate how to define new settings starting from their schema, and bind them to properties on your window in order to save and restore the size and state of the window across different sessions.

Add new keys to the settings schema

Settings are stored in a database, and each key is described inside a schema; the schema contains the type of the value associated with the key, as well as the default value of the key.

  1. Open the com.example.TextViewer.gschema.xml file under the data directory
  2. Add a window-width, window-height, and window-maximized keys to the schema, including their default values of 600, 400, and false, respectively
<schemalist gettext-domain="text-viewer">
  <schema id="com.example.TextViewer" path="/com/example/TextViewer/">
    <key name="window-width" type="i">
    <key name="window-height" type="i">
    <key name="window-maximized" type="b">


The schema needs to be installed before your app can use it. Use the Makefile which takes care of it # make schema.

Use GSettings

GSettings is the object that watches the keys for a specific schema id. You use the GSettings API to access the value of the keys, as well as get notified of changes in the settings.

  1. Open the file
  2. Modify the Text::Viewer::Window class to include a Gio::Settings property and initialize it with the com.example.TextViewer schema id
  class Window < Adw::ApplicationWindow
    include Gtk::WidgetTemplate

    @header_bar = Adw::HeaderBar
    @main_text_view : Gtk::TextView
    @open_button : Gtk::Button
    @cursor_pos : Gtk::Label

    @settings : Gio::Settings

    def initialize

      @settings ="com.example.TextViewer")

Bind the settings to the window state properties

Keys inside a GSettings schema can be bound to GObject properties; bound properties will be automatically saved inside the settings database whenever they change, and will be restored at creation time.

Modify the Text::Viewer::Window class constructor to bind the window-width, window-height, and window-maximize keys to the default-width, default-height, and maximized properties, respectively

    def initialize
      @settings.bind("window-width", self, "default-width", Gio::SettingsBindFlags::Default)
      @settings.bind("window-height", self, "default-height", Gio::SettingsBindFlags::Default)
      @settings.bind("window-maximized", self, "maximized", Gio::SettingsBindFlags::Default)


You cannot bind regular Crystal instance variables or getters/setters like this. Those work because they are GObject properties. You can, however, create GObject properties from Crystal with annotations.

In this lesson you have added keys to the GSettings schema associated with your application; managed the lifetime of the GSettings instance by tying it to the application window; and bound the keys in the GSettings database to the state properties of your application window.

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